Apart from its battery, it also equips solid specifications by running MTK6735 Quad core processor and Android 5.1 Lollipop system. The storage of 2GB Ram and 16GB Rom and 5.5 Inch FHD 1280 x 720 pixel capacitive screen are also good enough considering its price and big battery. What’s more, 1949deal now has a promotion of the device, which means you get it at the price of $99.99 USD!!
The promotions time is between 7th Mar to 12th Mar and during this time, we have 2 very good activities. One is that the price will drops $20 USD per day on the basic of the original price. And another promotion of K10000 is the fortune wheel, by clicking on it you can get the coupon between $1 to $50 dollars.
- Promotion details:
The Oukitel K10000 totally only has 500pcs in stock for promotions during 7th to 12th Mar. During the time, the price will drop $20 dollars per day until the 500 units are sold out, which means that the price of first day(7th Mar) is the original price - $199.99, and as the days go, the price on 8th Mar is $179.99, the price on 9th Mar is $159.99 till the last day is only $99.99.
2.Fortune wheel to get coupon
Click on the fortune wheel to win coupons and there are only 3 chances every day for one IP address. One point should be notice is that the coupon just can be used at the original price(eg, you can not use the coupon to buy the device at the price of $99, $119, and so on). And each coupon can only be used once. Luckily, the coupon is between from $1 dollar to $50 dollars. Hurry up to test your fortune, you are likely to be one of the luckiest guys to get $50 dollars coupon.
Click here to participate the Oukitel K10000 promotions right now!
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