Finally the long wiating game between Apple and iOS jailbreaking community seems to be coming to an end. Italian developer Luca Todesco, well known vis his Twiiter profile, @qweryoruiop has fairly managed to jailbreak iOS 9.2.1 and posted a screenshot of Cydia running on his iPhone 6 to prove that happened.
It feels a bit like “with one hand giveth and with the other taketh away” as the accompanying tweet suggests there’d be “no releases”. His tweet that showed up screenshot of Cydia on his iPhone may have claimed “no releases”, but it at least shows that iOS 9.2.1 is still very much exploitable.
Considering iOS 9.2.1 is still in beta stages, and obviously have chances that can be jailbroken and could see a public release when it actually ready for showtime by Apple. Nothing specific to suggest that Todesco hasn’t found a vulnerability, exploited it and plans to pass that on other jailbreaking teams to produce a publicly downloadable jailbreak package.
The Italian developer actually in that form when it comes that kind of input into a jailbreak. Publicly, he may not have been explicitly mentioned, but nevertheless he dit actually have a fairly significant input into the production of the Pangu9 jailbreak that Apple patched with iOS 9.1. Worked also on producingiOS 8.4.1 jailbreak, which never became available in the form of an easy-touse tool, Todesco did release the source code for it on GitHub. Where lot of developers and security enthusiasts are purely interested in finding the holes in the system.
A larger number of sceptic who contest the legitimacy over the screenshots of Cydia running on iOS 9.2.1. For that, Todesco has also posted a screenshot of the kernal dumps for 9.2.1 in an attempt to show it’s the real deal.
Jailbreak, as always been playing a big role for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch fans, and we’ll bring you more on this one as soon as it develops. Stay tuned and be free.
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