
OnePlus, when Buzz turns misogynistic competition

The launch of OnePlus a slogan « too often we have to make concessions » (dixit before Chez Oppo) had boosted interest Chin’Addicts for the brand, a partnership with Cyanogen had then propelled the Geek Level.
Campaign offering members break their smartphones for a Oneplus One 1 € will be forgotten because the operation quickly view unborn dependent limit only a few lucky randomly while everyone hoped to have done well, or broken his smartphone beloved.
Oneplus 0 <> Girls 1
Oneplus is back this time targeting the female asking them to help themselves by putting Photo selfie way « by putting forward » with the logo OnePlus.
Good idea so unless we can imagine that some Girly be ready to little more than the picture of her with the purchase to earn Oneplus and thus get elected Miss Oneplus by members of Oneplus forum because that is ones who should vote and elect the winner.
When you see the results of our Miss WeChat then quickly understand what kind of picture, they should take example for the favor of the jury majority masculino Geek full of hormones and testosterone…
The game will have quickly slipped on a slope that nobody would have wanted to see for so innocent and « Blue Flower » game. (Genre lol he only had to ask and I would have them tell me lol)

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